Do you struggle trying to get your children fueled with a healthy breakfast? If you're like me, getting your kids dressed in a matching outfit, getting the homework together, and getting the kids out the door is a struggle, let alone making sure our children get in a nutritious breakfast.If you're looking for some fast, easy, and nutritious breakfast ideas, then here are some fantastic ideas for you! Read below for some delicious breakfasts I prepare for my own children. Not only are they fast, easy, and nutritious, but my kids say they taste great too! Read on for some great kid's kitchen ideas.
A Healthy Kids Breakfast Tip #1: Cereal
Yes, this is a given but how many of us parents give in to sugary cereal to appease our kids? Cut out the sugar and make sure your kid's cereal includes whole grains and no sugar. My kids, in the beginning, weren't too pleased about cutting out the sugar until I brought out the fresh blueberries and strawberries to adorn the tops of their cereal!
A Healthy Kids Breakfast Tip #2: Eggs, Toast & Fruit
Another given but one that may take more time than some of us parent's have in the morning! I like hard boiling some eggs ahead of time and having them ready to go in the refrigerator. Cut them into little sections, throw some whole grain toast into the toaster, cut up some fruit, and you'll have a nutritious breakfast that will get your child through the day.