Creative Child

Are Music Lessons Worth It?

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Lifelong challenge

In music, there is always room for improvement. This creates the opportunity for students of any age to improve and challenge themselves for many years to come.


Stress relief

Since the 1950s, there has been a steady increase in rates of childhood anxiety. Playing an instrument can be an outlet for kids. Music can be relaxing and a form of stress relief, as well as a way to express yourself creatively and feel a sense of control over an aspect of life. Kids who have this outlet are less likely to find negative ways to relieve stress such as drugs and alcohol in the future.

Improved coordination

Kids who play instruments develop strong hand-eye coordination and multitasking skill. Just like in sports, playing an instrument requires these skills and develops their motor skills.


Introduces children to other cultures

Through music kids are exposed to other cultures, teaching them awareness and empathy for others. This helps them become more accepting of other cultures at an early age. Discovering a style of music from a different culture can spark a child’s curiosity and lead them to studying a new language, too.           

My daughter recently started taking piano lessons. As I sat in the room observing her first lesson, I witnessed something. As she played her first chord,a smile spread across her face. It was clear she has a true love for music. To me, this makes the cost of lessons worth it. Each parent will have to weigh the costs and benefits of signing their child up for lessons to decide if they’re are truly worth the cost.

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