Creative Child

Resolution Wand Craft

by Jenna Gleason

Celebrate the new year by making these crafty resolution wands! They are easy, cheap and can be done with the kids! Make wishes, goals, and dreams a reality this New Years Day today. 





2 Popsicle Sticks

Hot Glue

Contact Paper



  1. These instructions are to make 2 identical star borders; one for the front of the craft and one for the back.

  1. Next, cut out a long rectangle out of the contact paper. The length and width should be big enough to cover the inside of the star’s border when the rectangle is folded in half.
  2. Take off the sticky side of the contact paper and place upside down so the sticky side is facing up on the table.
  1. In the middle of half the rectangle, place all sparkles and/or sequins. Fold over the other half of the rectangle to cover and seal together the circle of sequence you created.

Tip: Hot glue the contact paper to seal the circle for a secure no spill wand.

  1. Cut off the access contact paper and glue on both star borders, front and back of the circle, leaving an open area for your popsicle sticks.  
  2. Hot glue 2 popsicle sticks together, paint them. Then glue them to the inside of your wand you left unglued.
  3. Have your child write their goals for the new year on the star boarder and then your done!

Jenna is a staff writer and production assistant at Creative Child Magazine. She is currently attending University of Nevada - Las Vegas.

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