Creative Child

Rebecca Eanes

Rebecca Eanes is the bestselling author of multiple books including Positive Parenting: An Essential Guide, The Positive Parenting Workbook, and The Gift of a Happy Mother. She is the grateful mom of two boys. 


Articles by Rebecca

Disciplining the Sensitive Child

Sensitive children tend to be very self-critical, so parental criticism is an especially hard blow, though truthfully criticism isn’t good for any child and is one of four behaviors parents should avoid.

Family: Staying Close in the Digital Age

It is the age of being superficially known by hundreds and deeply known by no one, or by very few. We are virtually connected for much of the day, but our heart-to-heart connections are suffering - yet being known and accepted as we are, not as what we portray on social media, being seen and loved and valued at home, not seen and liked and noticed online, being connected to real people – these are what sustain us.

7 Tips for Transitioning to Positive Parenting

So, you’re tired of the disconnection and power struggles that traditional parenting techniques bring and you’re ready to give positive parenting an honest go, like this mother did. But you’re not sure where to start. If you’re a newbie to positive parenting, these tips should help ease the transition.

The Messages Behind Discipline

With every correction, I am giving my child a message about who he is. The messages they get from us, particularly during correction, during the times we are not happy with their behavior or choices, influence their identities.

28 Days of Play in February

Continuing our series of play ideas for each day of the month, here are 29 more ways to play in February!

Top 5 Behaviors That Cause Parents to Lose Their Cool

I recently surveyed a group of over 7,000 parents and asked which of their children's behaviors grated on their nerves the most. In this 5-part series, I will discuss these 5 troublesome behaviors individually and offer positive parenting tips to manage them. I will begin at number 5 and work my way up to the behavior most parents deem the worst.

Valentine’s Day Games Your Kids Will Love

Valentine’s Day is near! Make this year one your kids will never forget with these fun family games.

25 Easy, Tasty Valentine’s Day Treats

On Valentine's Day, there isn't much better then spending the day with the ones you love! Except for maybe also sharing a delicious, heart shaped treat too! Here are 25 Easy, Tasty Valentine’s Day Treats!

The Story of Home

All stories begin at home, and for us parents, we have an incredible opportunity because each and every day, we are writing the beginning of our children’s stories. Without putting thought into the family culture we want to create, we will fall into a default culture created haphazardly over time.

Beyond Behavior: Looking at the Heart of a Child

All three faces on his behavior chart were flipped to the sad face side. Again. That meant he had to go to time-out. Again. It didn’t take much to get a card flipped on the chart, which I thought was a simple and brilliant concept.

Turning Toward Our Children: Answering Bids for Connection

World-renowned relationship researcher and co-founder of The Gottman Institute, Dr. John Gottman, has conducted 40 years of research with thousands of people. From his research has emerged a practice that is important to the emotional connection between two people – the act of “turning toward” your loved one when a bid is made. What is a bid?

31 Days of Play in January

Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “It is a happy talent to know how to play.”Here are 31 new play ideas for a happy January!

21 Days to Positive Parenting

Whether you are new to positive parenting or you’ve been practicing it for a long time, we are all works in progress with room for improvement and growth.

25 Ways to Calm an Upset Child

Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify and manage one’s own emotions. Helping children develop emotional intelligence is key to their success and well-being.

Creative Christmas Traditions

Julia Child once said, “A party without cake is just a meeting.” Turn your family gathering into a party with these Christmas traditions.

The Tattletale Elf

We have all heard of the Elf on the Shelf and other holiday beings that children’s behavior and report back to Santa. Here are 5 ways to inspire good behavior in children, without using holiday elves as tattletales!

Potty Training Tips that Really Help

When I looked back on our whole potty learning journey, I realized there was really no point in stressing over it so much. So, as a mom who both “succeeded” and “failed” at potty training my kids, I offer you these toilet training tips.

Conscious Parent Tip: Cultivating Self-Compassion

The one thing all conscious parents must have is self-compassion. Here are 3 ideas on how to practice self-compassion and exercises for conscious parenting.

The Ultimate Guide to Positive Discipline

The key to positive discipline is not punishment, but mutual respect. Positive parenting is not permissive parenting. These 3 scenarios will help parents put positive discipline into action.

31 Days of Play in December

Play is an important part of maintaining connection with our kids, but with so much to do every day, it can be difficult to find the time and energy. Here are 31 ideas, one for each day of the month, that don’t take a lot of time or money.
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