Creative Child

24 Ideas for Leftover Easter Eggs

by Jenna Gleason

Here are 24 amazing and creative ideas for leftover Easter eggs! Don't just toss them and waste your money anymore! Try recycling them with any of these crafts or activities!

1. Grow Your Own Cress Caterpillar

Collect those leftover egg cartons to make this cool science experiment. Cress is also known as sprouting seeds or mustard seeds in the US! Click Here For More Details 

2. Egg Lightning Bugs

They make great night lights! Click Here For More Details

3. Mini Plants

Make mini plants for your office or home! The next time you grow some, try using a decorated plastic egg! For More Details Click Here!

4. Egg Carton Chicks

Give candy away in little chickens full of cuteness! Click Here For More Details

5. Easter Egg Maracas

These are for making music, near Easter or anytime of the year! For More Details Click Here! 


6. Easter Egg Popsicles 

They taste amazing, a brilliant idea to try with your kids! Click Here For More Details


7. String Lights

Try string lights used to light up your backyard, made with plastic eggs! For More Details Click Here!


8. Candy Critters

Make candy critters for the trick or treaters this year with painted plastic eggs! Click Here For More Details 

9. Easter Egg Snack Holders

Perfect for when the kids are out playing and want a little snack! For More Details Click Here!

10. Play Time Tea Cups

There is no need to buy a tea cup set, simply just make one yourself! Click Here For More Details 

Related Article: 15 “Eggciting” Ideas for Easter

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