Creative Child
      5 min read

31 Days of Play in May

        Written by: Rebecca Eanes



31 Days of Play in May

by Rebecca Eanes

May Play Ideas Continued...

16. Make homemade salt clay and sculpt something. Here are the instructions from Instructables.

17. Make one of these Mother’s Day crafts.

18. Spread out a blanket on the living room floor and have an indoor picnic.

19. Create “snacklaces” by threading Cheerios, Froot Loops, or pretzels on a string.

20. Help your child write his or first book.

  • Fold several pieces of construction paper in the middle to form a booklet.
  • Then ask your child to create a story.
  • You can help her write the sentences and she can draw the illustrations.

21. Make and decorate a cake.

22. Make homemade ice cream. Popsugar shows us how here.

23. Play Red Light, Green Light.

24. Make one of these Memorial Day crafts from Enchanted Learning.

25. Pretend play Pet Shop.

26. Have an epic pillow fight.

27. Build Lego creations together.

Need to get away from the house for awhile?

28. Visit an indoor playland.

29. Go to the local water park or pool.

30. Visit your science or history museum.

31. Go bowling.

Related Article: Movie Night with the Family

Rebecca Eanes is the bestselling author of multiple books including Positive Parenting: An Essential Guide, The Positive Parenting Workbook, and The Gift of a Happy Mother. She is the grateful mom of two boys. 


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