Creative Child
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Are You Prepared? Emergency Preparedness for Families

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Are You Prepared? Emergency Preparedness for Families

Are you prepared if a disaster strikes? It isn’t my favorite question to consider but with children in the house it is good to ensure that my family is ready if fire, inclement weather, or worse affects our home and safety. How do you begin to prepare for the unexpected? Start with these simple tips:

Prepare a meeting place and procedure

If your house was to catch on fire what would you do? The answer may seem obvious to you, but it might not be to children. Have a family meeting and discuss what the evacuation plan would be in case of an emergency. Have the kids help find exits and come up with options if they are not accessible. Where will your family meet once they are safely outside? Designating a meeting place will help you account for any missing family members in an emergency. It’s also wise to show kids basic fire safety skills like “Stop, drop, and roll” and demonstrate what the fire alarm sounds like.

Prepare a kit

Prepare an emergency kit with extra shoes, clothing, first aid kit, food and water to have on hand in case of an emergency. Include a list of contact information, on paper, in case you cannot get to your electronic contact list.

Prepare communication

Assign a person that lives outside of your area to be the contact you will report to in an emergency. Having someone outside the area lessens your chance that your contact will also be dealing with an emergency. In a natural disaster phone lines can be down or busy, so plan for other methods of checking in. In case of busy signals, try sending a text as it would be more likely to go through or check in with others on social media.

Continued on the next page...

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