Creative Child

Dad of the Year Gives 3-Year-Old Daughter a Special Halloween

Halloween is over, but the Internet has one more treat for you, thanks to an anonymous “Dad of the Year” and one awesome Twitter user.

Instead of trick-or-treating like many toddlers around the county, 3-year-old, Molly, spent Halloween on a plane. When her dad realized how disappointed his daughter was about spending the holiday aboard a plane, he made sure that she didn’t lose out on the Halloween fun.

While Molly wasn’t looking, her dad passed out candy to all of the plane’s passengers and asked them to drop the candy into his daughter’s basket when she came by for trick or treating.

The note reads:

“My three-year-old daughter, Molly, was bummed that she wouldn’t be able to go trick-or-treating this year due to this flight... so I decided to bring trick-or-treating to her.

“If you are willing, when my little donut comes down the aisle, please drop this in her basket. You’ll be making her Halloween! If you’re unwilling, no worries, just pass the treat back to me. Thanks so much!"

Flight passenger, Stephanie Kahan, posted a picture of the note along with a sweet snapshot of Molly in her donut costume on Twitter to share the special Halloween memory with the rest of us.

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