Creative Child

Date Night on a Tight Budget

When you are a parent, having a date night with your spouse can seem difficult to pull off. Add in a tight budget and it can seem impossible. However, when you are a busy parent, date nights are more important than ever to keep your marriage healthy and to keep both of you feeling refreshed. With a little creativity and extra planning, you can still enjoy a night out with your significant other, even on a small budget.

Swap sitting

While some parents have the benefit of close family and friends to watch their children when they go for a night out, many must pay a sitter to take care of their children. This cost can add up, especially if you have a larger family. Try asking a friend to swap babysitting duties with you. You watch her kids one night while they have a date night, then she can watch yours while you have a night out. It’s free and it is well worth both couples’ time.


Change the time

Date night does not have to happen on Saturday night. To save money, try going to a matinee movie when prices are more affordable. The lunch menu is also significantly cheaper at most restaurants, making an afternoon date more appealing. You could also try catching a movie or dinner on a weeknight. You not only save some cash but you will also avoid the crowd.

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