Creative Child

It’s Raining, It’s Pouring: 7 Things to Do on a Rainy Day

Nothing is more boring than a dreary, rainy day. Lounging in bed or curling up with a good book may sound ideal to parents, but most kids are unwilling to spend their day this way.   The next time it won’t stop raining and pouring, try these rainy day boredom busters.

Host a movie marathon

Pop some corn and put on some of your favorite movies to enjoy with the kids to pass the time. Consider choosing a theme for your movie marathon such as Disney princess movies, a movie with several sequels, or old school movies from your childhood. A rainy day is also a great time to head to the movie theater for the afternoon.


Craft time

Paint, sculpt play dough, or make bead bracelets. Allow the kids to get creative by making their own scrapbook or finding items in your recycle bin they can make into sculptures. Hit up craft store sales prior so you have a stockpile of art supplies available without having to go out in the rain.  Often you can find seasonal themed kits to complete with your children. Now you will have fun decorations for the house as well entertainment for your children.

Take a field trip

You don’t have to stay cooped up in your house just because it’s raining. Stopping by the library or video store passes the time and lets you stock up on things to do when you return home.. Check local listings for open gyms, indoor playgrounds, or other fun indoor activities where the kids can run and play while burning off some energy.

Puddle jump

If temperatures allow, change into play clothes and then head outside with your rain boots and umbrella and allow the kids to jump in the rain puddles. When you head back inside draw a warm bubble bath to get cleaned up and wind down.

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