Creative Child

Kids Kitchen: Melted Snowman Cookies

These oh-so-cute cookies will disappear faster than melting snow. We suggest preparing and setting out the ingredients to let the children get creative. Try this kids kitchen recipe!

Kids Kitchen Kids Activities cookies


  • Dozen baked cookies of your choice
  • White Cookie Icing
  • Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup Miniatures
  • Reese’s Peanut Butter Minis
  • Orange Sprinkles
  • Miniature chocolate chips

Kids Kitchen Kids Activities cookies 


  • Decorate the cooled cookies with a layer of icing – create irregular shapes to resemble melted snow.
  • Unwrap 6 of the Peanut Butter Cup Miniatures and carefully cut the top of the candy – the tops form the rim of the hat.
  • Cut the top once again in half to make two “rims”. Also cut 6 of the Peanut Butter Minis in half to form the top of the hat.
  • Arrange the “top hats” on the icing.
  • Add chocolate chip eyes and a sprinkle for a nose.
  • Let them set before arranging on a platter for serving.

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