Creative Child

Simple DIY Fruit Fans

by Jenna Gleason

 These simple, cute fruit fans are a great summer crafting project. When you think of summer you think ‘watermelon’ and ‘lemonade’, so why not have little hand held fans that look like them?! They are the perfect accessory on a hot summer day to cool off!



2 Red Sheets of Paper

1 Green Sheet of paper

1 White Sheet of Paper


2 Popsicle Sticks

Black Marker


2 Yellow Sheets of Paper

1 Darker Yellow Sheet of paper

1 White Sheet of Paper


2 Popsicle Sticks

Black Marker 


Step 1: Fold 2 sheets of the red paper in half lengthwise. Cut the crease to have 4 long pieces of red paper.You'll use 3 out of the 4 pieces so set the extra one aside for your next fan.

Step 2: Take your green sheet and cut in half lengthwise. You'll only need one piece so set the other half aside for the next fan you make. Cut the half piece of green paper into 3 pieces lengthwise. By the end you will have 3 pieces of green paper and 3 red that are all the same length.

Step 3: Repeat Step 1 to the white sheet of paper. With the one half you will be using cut it lengthwise into 6 pieces. So total you have 3 red pieces 3 green pieces and 6 white pieces.

Step 4: Glue a green piece of paper to each of the red pieces; so it looks like the green shell of the watermelon. It should be placed at the top of the red paper. Do this to each red piece of paper and make sure the width of green matches each sheet so when you connect them they match up.

Step 5: Place a white sheet in between the red and green pieces. Make sure these match up. Place the other 3 white strips to the back of the fan, make sure these match up.

Step 6: Draw your black seeds with a black marker.

Step 7: Fold your pieces about 1 inch thick in a fan formation. Meaning: fold the inch on one side and flipping the paper over and repeating the process until you get to the end of the paper.

Step 8: Start gluing the 3 pieces together. Make sure the front matches up and the back. Then fold them all together and wait for the glue to dry.

Step 9: Glue your popsicle sticks half way on both sides. Place one of them on each side of the fan to create handles. That’s it!

Tip: Make the lemon fan the same way but using alternate colors of the watermelon. Have fun!

Jenna is a staff writer and production assistant at Creative Child Magazine. She is currently attending University of Nevada - Las Vegas.

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