Creative Child
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When Kids Reject Sports

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When Kids Reject Sports

Keeping Kids Active When They Avoid Team Sports

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Set an example

Children learn by example. If the parent has a low activity level the child will most likely see exercise as a low priority. Lead by example and get moving. Begin an exercise routine or a hobby that includes movement, like gardening, and invite your child to join you. Make the most of the time together.

Dance and theater

Turn on the music and have a family dance party. There is nothing like a great song to get a body moving. Dancing is fun and it’s great exercise too. Some children may also enjoy trying dance classes, baton twirling, or cheerleading. All of these are great sources of exercise. If your child is drawn to music and theater get them involved in a theater production in school or your community.

Find a new hobby

Encourage your child to find a hobby that encourages movement and activity such as skateboarding, fishing, bowling, and woodworking. If your child is doing something they enjoy, they won’t even notice they are also exercising.


Leisure sports can be more fun for kids that don’t care for team sports because they are less competitive and therefore have less pressure to perform at a higher level. Encouraging kids to play gets them active. Playing frisbee or frisbee golf, tag, catch, shooting hoops, and duck duck goose all require kids to run around. They will be having so much fun they won’t notice they are exercising. 


Chores are a great way to get kids active and teach them the value of hard work at the same time. Ask your child to clean their room, vacuum, mow the lawn, or sweep. Consider paying them an allowance for more motivation.


While team sports have many benefits, they are not for everyone. Kids who do not enjoy team sports don’t have to be less active. With these tips, kids will enjoy an active lifestyle that can be maintained for a lifetime.

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