Creative Child

2015 Awards Program Nominees

Brain Chase
by Brain Chase Productions, LLC
BrainChase is a 5-week online summer learning challenge disguised as a massive global treasure hunt. Participants have the opportunity to stem summer learning loss and engage in an unforgettable adventure.
Brain Chase Productions, LLC
(801) 205-6176

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Great idea for a fun way to keep a child's brain learning during their summer break. My nephew would love it
Great idea for a fun way to keep a child's brain learning during their summer break. My nephew would love it
What a great idea!! This seems like it would be very engaging for boys during the summer. Anytime I can mix learning with having fun, I am all for it. The little "gift" packages are so well put together and are high quality. rl
This would be a problem solver for parents who need to fill up their children's time during the summer. V.M.