Creative Child

2015 Awards Program Nominees

No Treats for Bullies!
by Functional Fitness, L.L.C.
Bullying is increasing, but we can make a difference. It is important to teach children about the negative effects bullying can have on others. "No Treats for Bullies!" offer parents an opportunity to let their children tell them what is going on in their life and encourages children to speak up about troubling situations.
Functional Fitness, L.L.C.
(281) 704-8804

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I like that the book has a good moral message about bullying. I like that it tells kids what to do if you see a bully and how to change if you are acting like a bully.
A creative way to explain and address bullying. I really like how they dog explained exactly what bullying is and why it is done as well as various ways to deal with a bully.