Creative Child

2015 Awards Program Nominees

Just Another Manic Monkey CD
by Music Monkey Jungle
Music Monkey Jungle returns with their brand of stellar music education and ear worm entertainment. Enjoy 45 minutes of the catchiest songs, dances and games that are sure get your whole family singing, dancing and playing.
Music Monkey Jungle
(732) 687-8134

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It will make you want to get up and dance. The songs are really catchy too. Great sing-along CD.
I love the CD cover and I love the music.
Just Another Manic Monkey is funny and great to sing to. My kids love it and always ask me to put it on when we are driving.
It's great for the whole family. We loved listening to it on our daily drive.
We loved this CD! It was so fun to listen to and we really like that it's also educational.