Creative Child

2015 Awards Program Nominees

My Little Farm Bingo
by SmartFelt Toys
Invented by a Speech Pathologist, My Little Farm Bingo is a fun, interactive, high quality bingo game that builds receptive and expressive language. Includes 8 game boards, 50 concept cards and 160 playing chips.
SmartFelt Toys
(424) 535-4162

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I love that this bingo set has the words and pictures. Great for learning sounds and letters while having a great time playing with the family or friends.
Farm Bingo is a very fun educational way to play Bingo. I Think that it would make a great addition to any classroom or home. My daughter would learn a lot from playing a bingo like this.
Perfect way to show and communicate with your child using very helpful tools to communicate.most common words are useful in the learning process
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