Creative Child

2015 Awards Program Nominees

R2L Easy Grip Double Ended Craft Tools
by Center Enterprises, Inc.
Coming Soon!
Center Enterprises, Inc.

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My four year old would love this! Some of the play-doh kits that we have are too complex for him, but this is easy to use. Now he can keep up with his big sister! Would love to have this. The design is thoughtful and easy to use. -SB
I love this product! We use Playdoh and clay tools weekly and my only complaint is that the cleanup is never as much fun as the play! These tools allow imagineers to add texture and dimension to clay creations with simple cleanup. Easy to grip, too! - JE
I'm sold just by the feel of this product. My 4 year old will be able to grip and hold this with ease. -kh
Love the feel, the grip is perfect for my little one. Good strong accessory tips that will last after the first use. With 9 different end tips, the possibilities are endless. Way to help creative minds strive. NLH