Creative Child

2015 Awards Program Nominees

Creative Baby Flash Card
by Creative Baby USA
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Creative Baby USA

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These are not your usual flashcards! Way more fun for mom and child and with a MUCH longer shelf-life of use. I can't say I've ever seen flashcards that read themselves to you! Very cool and I wish I had these when my kids were learning to read! I'd give these as gift for sure. -SB
We loved baby flash cards. I always bought two sets so we could play memory with them once they were older. Fun cartoon like characters and simple typography! - JE
I like how these cards have a real picture and a cartoon picture. Neat way to teach! Very durable for use time and time again. -kh
Love these flash cards! What a cool way to teach little ones and older ones. Each card has a cartoonish and realistic picture. The flash cards are made of very good quality card stock. Very durable. NLH