Creative Child

2015 Awards Program Nominees

An ultra-light, soft protective headgear designed for babies learning to walk giving them the confidence they need and the freedom they deserve. Helps to protect the head from bumps and bruises when unsteady on their feet.
Safehead Inc.

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Love the design of these products. They are so colorful and soft so your little one will have fun wearing it. - LM
Great idea. My son is just learning to walk and bumps his head quite a bit. This headgear really helps. - DG
Beautiful Design! Love the colors too. - JR
I like how these are expandable and they are so light. Really great product. - AP
This will help reduce the stress of worrying if my daughter might bump her head when I'm not looking. They're really cute too. Love the lady bug look. - HM
I tried it out on my son. It didn't bother him at all when I put it on him. He really seemed to like it. It's very soft and easy to see out of. - MV
Cute idea! I wish I had thought of this, and table bumpers too! -SR
What a cute idea! Instead of head bumps and bruises (and scars) my LO's will have an adorable hemet to keep them safe! K.P.
Great helmet; lightweight and cute! My baby crawls and climbs…and falls! This will help to keep him from hitting his head on our tile floor.