Creative Child
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Creativity and the Environment

        Written by: Jayne Black



Creativity and the Environment

by Jayne Black

A great way and very impactful way for children to learn about the environment is through creating upcycled art projects.

  • When children use recycled or upcycled materials to make successful crafts projects, it helps them learn the importance of reusing or conserving earth’s resources. This is a lesson that they will carry with themselves all throughout their lives and make them better global citizens of the future.

The greatest part is you can engage the children in saving things like toilet roll tubes, milk jugs, pop tabs, plastic bottles, bottle tops, cardboard and the list goes on! It will completely change the way they look at trash and the whole topic of recycling. Our children don’t have the luxury we did when it comes to being good global citizens by the 2050 it is predicted that they will be more plastic in the ocean than marine life.

Google upcycled art project with toilet roll tubes or what ever you have saved to upcycle, and you will be amazed at the creative and fun ideas.

As the President of Creative Kids Rock, I have spent years celebrating thinking differently as a person with dyslexia. Turning trash to art to benefit our environment.

As the Ambassador of Washed Ashore – Art to Save the Sea I am seeking youth ambassadors in every state to learn about plastic pollution through the Washed Ashore Curriculum and upcycled art!

Would you love your child to have an opportunity to learn more about the environment and help influence others around them to! Please email me at because I am looking for you!

Washed Ashore – Art to Save the Sea is a non-profit with a global mission of saving oceans and waterways of plastic marine debris by making art to save the sea.

Content Provided by

Jayne Black

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