Creative Child

Family Fun at Dinnertime

Stephanie Foster

Even as a stay at home parent it's often difficult to find time to have meals as a family. Everyone has places to rush off to. You might have kids eating at different times due to their various activities or your husband coming home just a little too late to eat with the rest of the family. Dinner shouldn't always be rushed, however, and I strongly recommend finding ways to eat meals as a family. One thing that can help is to have a little fun with your meals.

1. Have dinner (or other meals) in the back yard as a picnic.

Summer is a great time for family picnics and barbecues, but the fall can offer great weather too. It's a much more relaxed way to enjoy your meals and get to talk as a family. After eating, you're in the perfect place to play some games, letting the kids run around as the day cools off. You don't have to limit family picnics to the beautiful outdoors either. If the weather isn't cooperating, have a picnic in the house. Pick a room, spread a picnic blanket and enjoy!

2. Enjoy the occasional more formal dinner.

Young children in particular often love the excuse to dress up. Get out the good dishes that sit in the cabinet for too much of the year and use them! A little sparkling cider for the kids really adds to the fun. And remember, just because the dishes and clothes are a little fancier than normal doesn't mean you need to be a gourmet chef that night. Cook something you love.

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