Creative Child

How to help your Kids Chart Success for the New Year

by Deborah Song


Charts can be as varied as a child’s personality. Many free printable charts are available online, including the ones we provide below. Charts are available for purchase at teachers’ supplies stores.  Or you can even make your own chart to fit your needs.  But the type of chart you choose will likely depend on the goal you are trying to help your child achieve. Here are a few to help you get started.  


1. Single behavior chart.  A single behavior chart usually works well when you’re focusing on a single task like potty training.  Since all you need is a single column for every day of the week, you can easily access a printable, purchase a generic one or even make your own. 

2. Multiple behavior chart. For those of you who have trouble getting out the door in the morning or need help coaxing your child to take a bath at night, this one’s for you!  Columns can include everything from brushing teeth to waking up on time, to taking a bath without whining. Since behavior charts will usually require specific tailoring to each child, using a flexible template or even creating your own chart is a great option.  


3. Chores chart.  The same can be said for a chores chart.  Every family will have their own chores whether it’s making your bed, getting dressed by yourself, making your own lunch, or loading the dishwasher. So using a flexible template or creating your own is a great option here as well.  

4. Goal chart.  This is a more complex chart to implement but a great one nonetheless, especially when planning your child’s goals for the New Year. A goal chart will first require making a list of what your child’s goals are. You may want to whittle down the list of goals to a few or a couple so as not to overwhelm your child. Once you’ve identified your child’s goal or goals, map out the road to success.  If your child, for example, wants to become the next spelling bee champion, you may break up the tasks into interactive testing, individual studying, studying etymology, etc. Don’t shy away from supporting your child’s ambitions. Even if they don’t reach their lofty goal, they will have likely advanced much farther than where they started from.  And they will have learned the beginning strategies behind tackling a complex goal. They will also learn gauge success using healthy metrics, especially if you reward them for their effort and not their outcome.  

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