Creative Child
      5 min read

Letter to My Daughter

        Written by: Michelle  Dempsey M.S., CPRW



Letter to My Daughter

by Michelle Dempsey M.S., CPRW


You are not like the rest of them. 

You are powerful, my love. You have a fierce independent spirit, a confidence unlike anything I’ve seen, and a self-assured sense of self that blows my mind. All of which I never had.  

So do not, under any circumstances or for any reason, let anyone take this from you. It’s what’s going to carry you very far in life – and I can’t wait to sit back and let you continue to blow my mind, with each passing year of your life. 

And you will, because you have a mother who will remind you each and every day of the great power that you possess, and that you’re not like the rest of them...Don’t ever be like the rest of them. 

Thank you, for making me “me,” and for allowing me to find the beauty in life. 

Now go back to changing the world. 

I love you. 

Your Mommy! 

A writer, entrepreneur, radio host, and powerful motivational speaker – Michelle Dempsey, owner and founder of Michelle Dempsey, Very Well-Written, has one goal in mind: empowering women from all walks of life with her incredible personal life story of overcoming adversity and using the lessons learned to achieve success. Internationally published and known for her ability to connect with readers on a deeper level, Michelle has successfully united her passion for business and writing and developed a thriving career, offering writing and editing services, business coaching, branding expertise, and content marketing to business of all kinds.

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