Creative Child

Taming Mount Laundry

One day after school, I handed my son a heaping basket of clothes to put away and he said “I just put laundry away yesterday! Why is there always more?”. I chuckled to myself as he reluctantly carried the basket to his room. How many times have I asked the same silly question as I faced the pile of dirty clothes?

I can’t make it disappear, but here are some tips to tame “Mount Laundry”.    


Make it a Family Affair

The laundry load can be lightened if everyone pitches in. “My husband and I have a deal worked out. I do all the washing, drying, and folding. He then puts everything away.” says Katlyn Purkapile of Missouri. Kids can also get involved. “My best tip is to teach your children how to do laundry as early as possible.” says Kansas mom, Jessi Cole “They put most of their clothes away by themselves and they fold and switch loads.” When family members share the laundry responsibilities, it goes quickly and doesn’t fall on one person’s shoulders.


To Sort

Sorting the laundry can be half the battle. Place baskets for whites, darks, and colors in a central location and have family members sort their clothes as they take them off each day. When one of the baskets is full, simply dump it into the washer without having to take the time to sort through dirty clothes.

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