Creative Child

Top 3 Ways Mamas Can Treat Themselves for Valentine's Day

by Michelle Dempsey M.S., CPRW

I don’t know about you, but as much as I love my husband, another bouquet of roses is just not going to cut it this Valentine’s day. This mama is tired. This mama is overworked. And if there is anything this mama needs more of in this world – it’s quiet time.

Blissful, uninterrupted, quiet, alone time – with no guilt, for that matter.

Now that I have a toddler, and can no longer consider myself a true “new mama,” I have finally understood those blogs and memes about mommy needing her own time out. Lately, it feels like I tend to need these time-outs more than I don’t – and with good reason! I used to feel guilty about taking a few hours to myself on any given day, but now, no more.


If you’re like me, you’re constantly on the go. Constantly doing for everybody else. Working while worrying. Worrying while working. Going, going, face plant.

This mama is ready to treat herself.

So, this Valentine’s Day, you can save your overpriced chocolates and that standard bouquet of roses. I’m going to make it really easy for all of you mamas who are one carpool away from crawling into a corner with a blankie and a bottle of wine. It’s time for a little selfish bliss.

Because this Valentine’s Day, the best gift I can receive is more time with myself, and something tells me you’re in the exact same boat.

So here are my top 3 ways Mamas can treat themselves for Valentine’s Day (and feel a lot more satisfied with than a box of heart-shaped chocolate).


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