Creative Child

Toy Rotation: Reduce Toy Clutter in Six Easy Steps

Toy clutter, it's a problem all parents face. From the toddler years when blocks, push toys, and board books seem to be scattered down the hallway to the school age years where kids collect tiny Legos, matchbox cars, and Barbie dolls, clutter remains an ongoing issue.

A toy rotation is one way to fight this problem.


Step 1: Gather

In the main play area, gather all the toys to the center of the room. You are making a bigger mess at first, but this will help you get organized in the long run. “It may be best to start this process when the kids are in bed or out of the house.” says Colorado Springs mom, Kara Thomas. The process may go quicker and smoother sans children. However if that isn’t an option, get the kids involved and have them help bring toys to the center of the room.


Step 2: Reduce

Go through the pile you have gathered and throw away broken toys and items that have missing pieces. Take out any toys that are no longer age appropriate. Lastly, pick out toys that the children don’t play with. Jill Miller, Cedar Rapids, Iowa mom of two, says “We purge things every year for the annual neighborhood garage sale. It also gives us a little cash boost.”

If your family is not up for the work that goes into selling items, consider donating them to a local charity or passing them along to a friend.

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