Creative Child

5 Healthy Halloween Hacks


3. Pick your candy battles.

Instead of attempting to bribe away your child’s entire candy haul, set your sights on the worst offenders!

  • Avoid sticky candies like Tootsie Rolls and taffy - kids love them but can do without!
  • Sour sweets like lemon drops are tough on tooth enamel!
  • Lollipops and suckers expose teeth to sugar for a longer, more harmful duration.

As an alternative to these sugary candies, ask your children to keep other favorites such as Snickers, Twix and Hershey Bars.

Yes, candies containing nuts and chocolate (bonus if it’s dark) are higher in fat, but they’re also higher in protein and therefore more filling, which means your child will eat fewer before getting full.

4. Negotiate smarter.

Instead of handing down a specific mandate like (“You must throw away half of your candy,” or, “You can eat two pieces per day until it’s gone”), take a cue from seasoned negotiators and let your kids make the first offer of how much candy to keep, give away, and eat. Working from there, negotiate a compromise that feels fair to you both.

Children will feel empowered, and they’ll be less inclined to bend the rules by sneaking treats.

5. Send a sweet surprise to the troops.

Did you know that many dental offices now participate in Operation Gratitude’s Halloween Candy Buyback Program, which routes excess candy to military serving overseas? Your kid will receive cash in exchange for his or her donation, and those treats will make life sweeter for troops spending Halloween away from their families.

To find a participating dentist, visit:

Related Article: 10 Pumpkin Activities for Kids

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